Nestled amongst a small village of homes in the Ferndale countryside, a sparkling and brilliant Christmas gem resides in all her splendor . . . Mary Foster, who I annoint the undisputable "Queen of Christmas"!!!
All the photos below (reduced down from 114 photos!) are a small representation of the over 43 Christmas displays & trees in Mary Foster's & Bob Jerstadt's glowing residence. Mary begins her artistic creations in September so she can complete this artistic feat by the Christmas season. I'm posting the photos immediately so you can be inspired by them.
It's a daunting task to describe these stunning compositions for you. Hopefully just a few key comments will help you appreciate this joyous work by Mary. As I said, this is just a small view of what she has done. You will have an opportunity to take it ALL in, as Mary will be having a book published soon to encompass her treasures. To let you know what's involved here, the photographer has been working on two trees per day!
Photos above start with the cheerful, white double front doors--a welcoming harbinger of what's just beyond sight! Gold & white ornate trees fill the living room with gasping delight. Holly (Mary's daughter) is pictured in her romantic wedding gown, and I couldn't resist including the photo of Mary's youth--she looks like a Jackie-O in that white dress & gloves. (Sorry about the reflection--but you can actually see the room if you look closely.)
Peppermint candy tree, poinsettias & Victorian cutouts, fruits & florals, pinks & reds galore, nutcrackers, a tree in the bathroom with designer shoes posing as the Christmas tree skirt, elves, candles, a passport/travel themed tree . . . Mary Foster impeccably dressed in red!
Gold, gold & black, geisha, umbrellas, masks, fans, dried naturals, a masculine orange & black tree in Bob's study, giant rooster at the base of one of several trees in the kitchen area, a copper collection gleaming on the wall, hot cider & gingerbread men . . . .
Garden-themed tree (Mary's gardens are other-worldly beautiful too!), scotties tree, woodland animals tree, miniature teacups (from travels) tree, snowmen tree, a tiny tree with a dear friend's earrings as ornaments (what a stellar idea!) . . . .
Fruits, elves, purples, hydrangeas, fish, mermaids, roses, dolls, reindeers, birds, peacocks, butler with candy tree display. (Sorry, but I'm having difficulty posting words to correct pictures, but you certainly get the idea!)
Below are some nice shots of Mary's winter gardens . . . filled with beautiful statuary!
If you'd like to see any images better, please feel free to email me for larger photos.
Thank you Mary & Bob for showing us your amazing home . . . being utterly humbled, I will try to never complain about holiday decorating duties again!!