Monday, December 14, 2009

Ormolulu's Merry Christmas Card(s) to YOU!!!

In celebration of an incredible year spent side-by-side with some of the most amazingly talented, fun and admirable people . . .

In celebration of this sharing and joyous season, which is multiplied in blessings by the beautiful bloggers who shine their creative light and energy into our homes every day . . .

In celebration of continued inspiration and common experience which holds us together through good and bad times . . .

In celebration of the blessing of families & friends we honor and enjoy during this most magical and important of holidays . . .

In celebration of good will and peace on earth, praying for our leaders who will helps us transcend differences to arrive at a better way of living together in this world . . .

In celebration of the reason for this season . . . I remain in awe!

In celebration of the gratitude I feel for a chance to try to do better for and by others in the coming year. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPIEST NEW YEAR to all!!!

xo Debi


Linda Q said...

Wonderfully said Debi! Very inspiring and I pray we all have a blessed 2010!

Sister Patty said...

Merry Christmas, Debi! I love your photos in B&W; they have such a softness. Looking forward to 2010 and your blogs!