Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"The LIBERTY" . . . . . . . .

"The LIBERTY" folk art, hand-made steamship

is much bigger than I thought, *liberating*

me to have a 20% off sale at my

Pacific Galleries booth

in Seattle!!!

There is some of the BEST merchandise I've had in

years . . . please come visit 

* Madison Park 14 *

This AMAZING industrial, enamelware cabinet is currently

having a cameo performing role at an Eddie Bauer

photo shoot in Seattle . . . such a lovely 

*model*, don't you think?!

I'm very happy to answer any questions you may have

about the photos you see on my blog.

Please send your email to:

Also . . . there's only 3 days left to take advantage of

my moving sale at Ruffles & Rust Square

in Snohomish . . . better hurry!!


LuLu Kellogg said...

You know if I was out there I would be at your booth in a FLASH!!


Ormolulu said...

You are just the sweetest, LuLu . . . hope to meet you in person!!! Come out for the Ruffles and Rust Show in Monroe in October . . . stay with Shell!!!

xoxo Debi