Friday, April 15, 2011

Island Chicks Show - FEAST for the Eyes!!!

If you have any reservations about driving to 

Anacortes tomorrow morning for this 

*new*  Island Chicks Show,  let

me ASSURE you, it's frick'in

more than awesome!

Whatever you have to do to get here . . . .

  . . . . .  just get here!  I worked until

9:00 p.m. so no time (or light)

for other photos.  Come 

see for yourself!!

1 comment:

Island Chicks said...

THANK YOU Debi for taking a chance and doing a "first time" show with us! You are truly amazing and your antiques are so fabulous! This is truly a labor of love and thank you so much from the Island Chicks,
Jackie, Jo and Debbie! YOUR ROCK GIRL! Here's to a great new freind!