Sunday, May 29, 2011

Greenbank Farm . . . and the DIY corkscrew

What do you do when the seagull of life poops on your windshield?

Now that I have your attention . . . it DID actually happen,

both figuratively and literally!!!! 

I'm sure many of you can relate to this story . . . the saga of the van

with trailer breaking down short of our show destination.

Translation:  the *seagull* of life doing his job.  Friends rallied to 

our aid, and--despite having to do their own show setup,

they jumped into their trucks and vans to rescue at

least part of our inventory so the show could

go on.  Jim had to return home and

take care of towing and

repairs.  So . . . 

What does one do under these dire circumstances?  

Hmm--enjoy a good bottle of wine at the end 

of a tough day, right?!  So I brought sweet 

Paula (the show promoter and rescuer) 

a bottle of Chardonnay, assuming

that she had a corkscrew. 

WRONG!!!    So . . . 

(apologies for poor cell-phone photos)

Here's our tried-and-true, do-it-yourself corkscrew method 

(short of breaking the dang bottle--which I was 

so close to doing!).   Girls with tools--gotta

love 'em!  Paula's next rescue feat with 

power drill and screw.  Yep, you 

CAN try this trick at home!!  

Great form Paula.  I 

give it a "10"!!

Once the screw was in position, another useful and

commonly available tool was used 

 to pull out the cork.  (Insert 

lots of laughter!!!)

Ah, sweet success!!!  So, if a seagull gives you crap . . . break out

the tools.  It ain't water into wine, but this reasonable

facscimile was just fine.  Life is hard sometimes,

but oh-so-sweet when shared with friends

like Paula Williams, nephew Steve,

and Phil Torres.  We did it!


* * *

When the going gets tough (or stops in its tracks),

the tough help each other out . . . and share

a nice glass of wine (or  two) together

Paula, you are truly, truly a

pearl in the cabbage 

patch of my


* * *

I'm feeling such gratitude . . . and the van got 

fixed in time for Jim to come back to

Greenbank and help me load out.

We even sold a bunch of 

stuff too . . . nice!!

xoxo ~ Debi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

gotta love this junkin life...great post ;) xo deb