Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ruffles & RUST Square . . . fait accompli

Ruffles & RUST Square is now a reality.

Opening March 1st, this is a *lion* of a 

beginning to the month of March!!

But we don't anticipate going out like a *lamb* at the

end of March--that's just good for weather!

I feel a renewed sense of creative spark and happiness,

thanks to the confidence Timi and Annie

have placed in me.  Not without

risk, I trust the instincts of

these two savvy


A group of hard-working, talented, spirited women stepping 

up to the plate . . . how could I not feel good about

being part of something so wonderful?!

Pinch me . . . am I dreaming?

If I'm dreaming . . . please don't wake me.  

If I'm not, please join in the fun.

March 1st we begin our

new journey.

It's redeeming to be not only accepted, but INVITED

to be part of Ruffles & RUST Square.

Thanks dear Annie and Timi!!!

This is going to be AMAZING!!!!!

If you're looking for some inspiration for spring

and you enjoyed the recent Ruffles &

RUST Show in Monroe,  come

to Snohomish and keep

the joy alive!!!

Ruffles & RUST Square 

1234 1st Street in



Katie said...

Very exciting! Will try to get out there this week. Nice job!

lvroftiques said...

I love your blog! And I'm a neighbor too! So I can't wait to see your new stuff in the new store. Vanna